George the Great Martyr & Triumphant

April 23


If April 23 falls on or before Great and Holy Pascha, the Feast of St. George is translated to Bright Monday. </p>

Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone

Liberator of captives, defender of the poor, physician of the sick, and champion of kings, O trophy-bearer, Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone

Cultivated by God, you became manifest as an honorable tiller gathering for yourself the sheaves of virtue. For you sowed with tears but reaped with gladness; in the contest you competed with your blood and came away with Christ. By your intercessions, O Holy One, all are granted forgiveness of sins.

Reading courtesy of Narthex Press

Apolytikion courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery

Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press